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Pulmonologists – A Few Important Things To Know

Your primary care physician may refer you to a pulmonologist if your cough or breathing problems persist for an extended period. This chest specialist in Kolkata specialises in identifying and treating issues related to the lungs. This is especially crucial if the problem requires ongoing treatment.

What is a pulmonologist

A pulmonologist is a medical specialist who focuses on treating respiratory issues. Diseases of the lungs and airways can be diagnosed and treated by the best chest specialist in Kolkata. These medical professionals may go by various names, including pulmonologists, chest physicians, and pulmonary specialists.

The respiratory system comprises the lungs, nasal cavity, throat, trachea, airways, muscles, and blood vessels.

When should you see a pulmonologist?

Conditions affecting the lungs are the primary focus of pulmonologists. Inflammation, excessive tissue development, and infections are potential root causes of these diseases.

Long-term or permanent treatment programmes may be necessary for many of these diseases. Your pulmonologist will coordinate your care with your PCP and other doctors you see as essential.

The list of conditions that pulmonologists treat or manage is broad, but it includes, among others:

  • Aspergillosis
  • Asthma.
  • Bronchiectasis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.
  • COVID-19.
  • There is cystic fibrosis.
  • Emphysema.
  • Interstitial pulmonary disease.
  • Disease of the lungs (cancer).
  • High blood pressure in the lungs.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Snooze deprivation.
  • Tuberculosis.

A chest specialist in Kolkata can also treat asbestosis and other work-related lung disorders.

Pneumoconiosis (also known as “black lung disease”) is common among coal miners, silicosis, and chronic beryllium disease (berylliosis).

Why does a pulmonologist do?

A pulmonologist is a medical specialist trained to identify and treat problems with breathing. Some doctors focus on one particular field, such as critical care, asthma, or sleep medicine. They could also focus on caring for children or older people (paediatric or geriatric pulmonologists).

What can I Expect During a Visit?

A physical examination and symptom history questionnaire comes first. The doctor may order some tests to diagnose the problem and suggest a course of therapy. The testing battery could include Bloodwork, a chest X-ray, or a CT scan.

Your pulmonologist may advise a bronchoscopy as a treatment option. The doctor will run a tube down your windpipe and throat to perform this test. The tube is outfitted with a light and camera to provide a detailed inside view of the respiratory system.

The amount of oxygen entering your bloodstream is another metric tracked by pulmonologists. This includes a check of the lungs. The doctor will use a pulse oximeter (a small electronic gadget that measures oxygen saturation in the blood) to check your oxygen levels. Spirometry is another test in which you’ll be asked to blow into a tube attached to a computer. The results of the test will determine your lung function.

Where Would I Look for One?

Before seeing the best chest specialist in Kolkata, you may need a referral from your primary care physician, depending on your health insurance. It doesn’t hurt to consult your doctor for advice if it doesn’t.

Checking with your health insurance provider’s network is another option for locating a pulmonary specialist. Then you can rest assured that your insurance covers your chosen physician.


Until something prevents you from breathing easily, you don’t give much thought to how vital it is. You could have a minor problem at first, like a persistent cough. However, if your doctor suggests seeing a pulmonologist, it’s advisable to follow that advice.

A pulmonologist will collaborate with other healthcare team members to ensure that you receive the highest quality care possible.

Also, Visit here: Indications that It’s Time to See a Gastroenterologist

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